Manifest, Attract & Allow A Magnificent Month!

This program will help you step into your greatness by helping you tap into the Magic Inside you. I will share ancient secrets and proven success techniques and you will learn how to unleash your spiritual gifts and manifest any goal you set for yourself.


This will be a supportive and safe mentoring class that will give you the support and skills to create your dream life.

You will be part of an amazing community that will encourage and support you every step of the way.

Learn to transform your limiting beliefs at their core and finally be liberated from  the past, becoming free to unleash your highest potentials in life, love and livelihood.


I will provide meditations, visualizations, worksheets, lessons, and your assignments. Imagine your life filled with purpose and sharing the message you were born to teach. Learn about your spiritual energy centers and how to utilize their power.

The "Step Into Your Magnificence "  program will help you step into your greatness by helping you tap into the magic inside you.  I will combine ancient secrets and proven success techniques with modern technology to teach you how to manifest the goals you set for yourself. You will have a private Facebook Group to ask any questions or share your awesome success stories. You will connect with other like-minded souls who desire to manifest their heart’s desire too. You will learn how to hold space for each other and help the process.

By joining this program, you will be a part of an amazing, supportive community that will encourage you and uplift you every step of the way.  You will also learn:

  • To transform your limiting beliefs
  • To become liberated from the tyranny of the past
  • To unleash your highest potentials in life, love, and livelihood
  • To discover your true and impassioned purpose in life
  • To manifest all of the support that you need to fulfill it
  • And so much more this is a GIFT You give yourself.
  • The time you invest in this class will change your life!!
  • Self Love and Acceptance will help you attract all you desire.
  • Karen can help you and hold your hand as a guide who knows the way. 

I will provide for  you weekly :

  • Meditations
  • Visualizations
  • Play Sheets 
  • Assignments & Action Steps
  • Learn Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times
  • 1 Private Session with Karen 


Imagine your life filled with purpose and inner peace sharing the gifts  you were born to share. You deserve to live your magnificent life. ARE YOU READY?  


Step Out of Your Comfort Zone & Into Your Magnificent  Zone. Invest in yourself and   Join  us for  $333 Manifest YOUR Magnificence!!! 

About Karen Palmer

Karen is a master at manifesting and  teaches  simple strategies so that anyone can live their dream life.

She shares how to apply the Laws of the Universe as a Success/Mindful Coach.

She combines Ancient Wisdom with Modern Technology to get amazing results in all areas of your life.

She is  a Non-Profit Business Leader, Founder of Eco Angel Enterprises,  best-selling author and online talk show host.

She is  also a Spiritual Medium, Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Angel Communicator,  Akashic Records Reader, NLP Practitioner, Crystal Healer and  Reiki Master.